Selling a Pawn Shop Isn’t Like Selling Just Any Small Business

July 6, 2022 by Steve Stallcup

Topics covered: Acquisitions, Resources, Selling Tips, Valuations

Just about every book or article on how to sell a business advises business owners to do things like search the Internet for buyers and market their businesses online. This might be good advice for the majority of small business owners, but it’s not good advice for independent pawn shop owners.

If you’re an independent pawn shop owner and you’re not passing your pawn shop or shops down to the next generation or selling out to a partner, your best (and perhaps only) buyer is probably going to be one of the major pawn companies. If you want to sell your pawn shop for top dollar, the last thing you want to do is look up these companies, give them a call, and ask them what they will pay you for your business. Go this route, and you will practically guarantee that you do not sell your pawn shop for anything near what it’s actually worth.

The major pawn companies have been buying independent pawn shops for years, and have gotten very good at it! They have put tools, resources, and processes in place to help them get the most out of each new acquisition. If you don’t have a team on your side that has its own tools, resources, and processes in place, you can quickly find yourself woefully underprepared for what these buyers present to you and ask of you in an effort to drive down your selling price.

Unfortunately, even if all of your financials are in order and you have a solid understanding of your business’s advantages and disadvantages, it can be very hard to combat the analyses that the major pawn companies are able to perform. You need objective pawn shop exit strategy consultants to compile and analyze all of your pawn business’s unique characteristics, combine the information with relevant pawn market information—while keeping in mind the overall economic climate, and then present all of the data in a way that buyers can’t dismiss. Go this route, and you will practically guarantee that you will sell your pawn shop at the best possible price.

Our strategic approach to selling is what makes all the difference.

We know how buyers think and what they are looking for when reviewing a pawn shop package. Find out why Stallcup Group’s exit strategy makes negotiations a fair fight for sellers.

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